The Impact of Contact Lenses on Lash Health


The Impact of Contact Lenses on Lash Health

Many of us don’t realize how much eye health affects how we feel about ourselves. At our facial therapy clinic in New York City, we believe that eye care and lash care are just as important as any other beauty treatments. 

Eyelashes keep dust, sand, sweat and rain out of our eyes, enhancing the face and creating a vibrant, youthful look. We have to mention that well-hydrated eyes, strong lashes and smooth skin around the eyes contribute to an overall fresh and radiant appearance. 

If you wear contact lenses, we can only imagine what a confidence boost it’s been for you. They can also be fairly easy to put on, but one must follow its safety guidelines.

Lash Health and Contact Lenses

  1. Friction and Lash Damage

The number one rule when you have contact lenses: Do not rub your eyes. Bacteria from your hands can go straight onto your eyes, which can cause infections and damage the delicate tissues around your eyes, resulting in dark circles under your eyes. 

Not only can this cause irritation and vision problems, but the friction can lead to pulling or weakening of eyelashes, resulting in lash breakage or loss. Also be gentle when inserting and removing lenses to avoid touching lashes unnecessarily.

  1. Changes in Oil Gland Function

It’s common for your eyes to dry up when putting contact lenses in. This is because contact lenses can change oil production, leading to dry eyes. Your lashes can then be more brittle and prone to falling out. In this case, you could consider using lubricating eye drops if your eyes are dry so your lashes will stay protected. 

  1. Makeup and Product Buildup

If you find yourself using oil-free makeup and removers to avoid irritation from your lenses, that’s perfectly okay. This is because oil-based products tend to cause irritation and may lead to buildup along the lash line. 

To protect lash health, it’s best to use a mild, lash-friendly cleanser that gently removes eye makeup without excessive rubbing or harsh chemicals. Solution Demaquillante pour les Yeux is an effective 2-1 makeup remover that soothes the epidermis, leaving even the most sensitive skin, such as the eye area, clean and non-greasy. Follow up with a cleanser designed for your skin type and you’re good to go. 

  1. Lens Hygiene

Improper lens hygiene (not washing hands, reusing lenses, or sleeping in them) can cause bacteria in your eyes. This can cause infections, which also affect lash growth and health. Your doctor will recommend that you use contact lens solutions to cleanse the lenses. Although sometimes they can irritate the eye area and contribute to lash thinning. 

Allergic reactions to these solutions can lead to inflammation, impacting lash follicles. It’s worth it to shop around for the right contact lens solution to protect both your eyes and lashes. And ensure your lenses never touch water, as this may introduce bacteria.

Love your lashes 

To give your lashes the love they deserve, Vicki Morav offers a customized experience and can answer any questions you have. Book an appointment at our facial therapy clinic in New York City for the ultimate beauty treatment experience. 


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