Supermodel Natalia Vodianova’s Jet Lag Skincare Cure

Valmont's Renewing Pack is her quick fix after flights!


Supermodel Natalia Vodianova’s Jet Lag Skincare Cure

Supermodel Natalia Voianova uses Valmont Prime Renewing Pack after flights for a quick skin fix. “I’m tired and super jet-lagged,” explains Natalia Vodianova. “I’m going to show you what I do to not look the way I feel.” Vodianova begins by spreading a thin veil of Valmont’s Prime Renewing Pack over her face, leaving it on for 10 minutes before removing it with a damp washcloth. 


Prime Renewing Pack can be used on top of everything at night, when working out, and after exfoliating or using a peel. A combination of moisturizing HP DNA and RNA works to smooth the skin, relax the features and leave a radiant complexion.


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